WHITE PATENT GO-GO ROCKER BOOTS-- Go-Go boots made especially to fit American Girl dolls, Bitty Baby and other dolls of similar size.
Made of white vinyl closed with a zipper. Decorated with silver chains, lacing and straps. COOL!
We have an adorable go-go dress to go with these boots. Look at Lovvbugg! to find it.
These boots are also available in black.
When I was in the 4th grade go-go boots were the rage. I wanted some but my mother couldn't afford (my dad died when I was little) to get them for me. I was the only girl without them in the whole class. Finally, in the springtime they went on sale so my mother got me some as a surprise. We lived in Texas and there is only a very short spring. I was so excited to wear my new boots to school! But I only wore them for one day because they were so HOT I couldn't stand it. And that was o.k. because all the other girls stopped wearing their go-go boots, too.