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15-18 inch Doll Socks and Tights
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Doll Socks and Tights

The tiny details make your American Girl doll a thrill to play dress up each day. You’re able to swap out doll socks and tights from Lovvbugg for a different fashion impact every time! The 18-inch doll socks we carry are available in a variety of colors and patterns, including stripes, hearts and polka dots. If your doll is sporting a more dressed-up outfit, you might opt for a girly accent of lace on the socks as an alternative. A doll's style is often a reflection of your child’s personal style, and with our abundant product offering, it won’t be difficult to find the perfect socks for her American Girl dolls.

We also carry a wide range of fashion leggings and tights to transform your doll's appearance. The tights slide up the doll's torso and stay put! The leggings look and feel comfortable as you slide them onto the doll too. At Lovvbugg, our inventory of leggings, tights and socks for American girl dolls continues to grow, so be sure to check back often for the latest offerings! She’s going to lovv it!